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Old 05-19-2004, 07:19 AM   #58
Paramour of Paradigm
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 42
No, I didnt run into that. My first job is Firefighter and life safety. If we have to defend ourselves, then we pick up the rifle. This is why I picked this MOS. This is the first Combat zone (my third) that I didnt have to discharge my weapon. Desert Storm, I discharged my weapon, Samolia, I dicharged my weapon. I am happy that I didnt have to do that this time. I felt that I was doing more good fighting fires, than shooting at the enemy(sp).
I had a 19 year old kid that kept on wanting to shoot his weapon. I asked him why, he kept telling me that he was inf. first and firefighter second. Needless to say, he was a terrible firefighter.(LOL) But all in all, we all came out of there safe without shooting at anything. My opinion is that if you dont have to shoot your weapon, its a good tour. At least thats what my step father says.(25years marine) Tell your friend that I respect what he is doing, and keep his head down. Thank you agein for your support for the troops.
What we do in life....echos for eternity!
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