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Old 05-16-2007, 10:06 PM   #44
Urbane Guerrilla
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Originally Posted by HLJ View Post
I guess that's why his approval rating is down to 28%.
You're forgetting that there's a reason Congress' approval ratings are about 26%. I'd say it's the foolish behavior of the Jackass Party.

I don't get particularly wound up about people being critical of W per se. Dumping on him on the basis that he has an (R) after his name, though, strikes me as the bloviations of inferior mentality. For God's sake, what has the man done but take down two despotisms -- two despotisms more, in his first four years, than all the Democratic Presidents have done in the previous fifty.

Despotisms and despots dying are good things, and our world needs much more of this. Despotic regimes behave badly, all the time, whereas democracies are far better global citizens. Complaining about making this happen and moving to sabotage it is but the solidest evidence that the Democrats are in the grip of a singularly inferior mentality, an utter incompetence at foreign policy.

I don't like an incompetent foreign policy. I prefer what the Republicans are doing -- they actually try to further the Republic's interest by winning, not retreating. God help our planet if the Democrats' present ideas of foreign policy gain currency. They'll buy us a great big war.

History will vindicate W and will vindicate those like me who support him.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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