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Old 07-09-2002, 09:34 AM   #11
in the Hour of Scampering
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Re: waitaminit

Originally posted by BrianR
The Challenger? Murder? What did I miss here?
I thing the only thing you missed is what it really means when someone feels moved to tell us "we all know" something and blithely assert what the "facts" are.

Corporate terminal idiocy is still not grounds for a murder charge, (although sometimes it seems like it ought to be). I'm referring here to the management group-think committed by Morton Thiokol management under pressure from NASA Marshall management to aprove a launch in weather conditions that originally caused Thiokol engineers and engineering management to recommend <b>against</b> launch until the weather was warmer.

I suppose someone could make an argument that those events rise to the level of "reckless disregard".

The sources of information I use for my understanding of STS-51L are <i>Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident</i> (USGPO 1986), Richard Feynman's delightful book <i>What Do <b><u>You</u></b> Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character</i>, (Norton, 1988) (in particular, Appendix F, <i>Personal Observations of the Reliabilty of the Shuttle</i>) and Edward Tufte's <i>Visual and Statistical Thinking: Displays of Evidence for Making Decisions</i> in his masterpiece <i> Visual Explanations</i> (Graphic Press, 1997).

That said, I do regard baldly stating "we all know they were murdered" to be classic trollbait.

I think the central question we should be focusing on now, in light of dham's tagline, is *why* he is "fuckin Yoda". Couldn't Yoda get a date?

[<i>edited for typos and to insert the last-minute Yoda crack</i>]
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

Last edited by MaggieL; 07-09-2002 at 09:25 PM.
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