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Old 09-08-2007, 03:52 AM   #61
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
Seriously, why the fuck does anyone feel the need to try and dictate how the cellar should be?

If UT doesnt, why should anyone else?

I like the frivolous threads, I look at them, if they dont interest me, I move on.

I dont like the politics threads, because they bore me senseless...I dont see the point in watching the lefties and the righties have the same conversation over and over again.

I read the first few posts, if it looks like the same ol shit....I move along.

Same with guns threads.....dead horse...flogging.

Thread drift is a gimme.

I used to frequent a forum where if you wanted to participate in a thread that had drifted, you have to move it to the general you know how hard it is to follow and conversation when it goes from one thread to another?

Do I think 3 pages of random, one sentence threads an annoyance? hell no, its easy to skim.

It only annoys you LJ coz you *want* to read it to see if it is anything interesting ....and its usually not.

But I can tell you, those one liners can learn you a lot about a person.

A month ago, *some* of you were bitching because there was too much hating going on, and some annoying newbies.

Now, *some* of you are bitching because there is too much fluff.

Get the fuck over it

Participate or really is your choice.
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