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Old 09-24-2006, 01:39 PM   #15
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 768
I have a vegan, PETA-like coworker who drives me nuts with his illogic. He will eat veggies from factory farms and see no connection between his American way of life and the habitat that was destroyed to allow him to enjoy it. He thinks he's "better" than we meat eaters. He's really weird, too. One time while driving with him for work he saw a squirrel way up the road and literally started yelling "Slow down! Slow down!" Well, if you know squirrels, the best way to avoid squishing them is to maintain your speed and trajectory because they always do that hesitate dance; if you slow down suddenly you can end up squishing them. But this guy spent the whole rest of the trip sulking because I did not slow down (the squirrel was fine, BTW). And now he always tells the story like I was some evil, callous animal hater. What a jerk! Besides, I can identify most any bird or animal I ever see and he can't tell the difference between a Cooper's Hawk and a Red Tail.

Yes. Cull the deer. They graze on median strips now. Evolution in our own lifetime.
Things are never as good, or bad, as they seem.
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