Thread: Hall of Fame
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Old 07-07-2006, 05:53 PM   #59
Goon Squad Leader
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This post is another jewel in Beestie's crown. I quote here in it's entirety, but you should click on over and enjoy the flamewar, as asymetrical as it is, "just for fun".

Originally Posted by Beestie
Originally Posted by Profane Gorilla
No ignorance at all. There is nothing imbecilic to the idea that solecisms are still bad. They were bad when the Greeks picked on the mushmouthed and ungrammatical speech of the inhabitants of Soloi, and they aren't improving with age.

Just for fun, do you know how to spell "blissful?"
Just for fun, do you know that "No ignorance at all." is a grammatically incorrect sentence fragment?

Just for fun, do you know that mushmouthed is not a word? Let me help you out here. In those instances when you have a thought so sophisticated and so subtle that none of the over 100,000 words in the dictionary are adequate enough to express it, you can take two words from the dictionary and hyphenate them to create a new word. Hence, the solecism in your post can be transformed into a grammatically correct word more befitting the complex and sophisticated mind that gave birth to it by putting a dash between mush and mouthed to create (drum roll, please).... mush-mouthed. Out of curiosity, did you mean to use that word at all? I hesitate to ask since I'm certain you wouldn't use an adjective (however solecistic) meant to describe speech to describe the written word.

Just for fun, do you know that it is also grammatically incorrect to use the adjective 'imbecilic' to modify the phrase 'to the point?' I think you meant to say "...imbecilic about the point...." but don't want to give you the benefit of the doubt since you rarely extend that courtesy to others.

Just for fun, do you know that it is grammatically incorrect to use a pronoun without an antecedent in the same sentence? I didn't think so because anyone who knew that wouldn't begin a sentence with a pronoun like you did in your second sentence (recall that the first meaningless phrase followed by a period does not have the required syntactical elements to elevate it to sentence status).

Just for fun, do you know that you have a grammatically incorrect comma splice in your second sentence?

Just for fun, do you realize that making a plethora of grammar errors in a three-sentence post not only make your high horse look more like a jackass but also make you look like a moron? You might know how to spell irony but it's pretty clear that the concept embedded in the word is sailing right over your oversized head.

I'll take Zippy's spelling over the worthless ideas your pitiful grammar stumbles over itself to convey any day.

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