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Old 08-31-2018, 07:36 AM   #38
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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The TED talk guy's point centers around one study, which followed Indian farmers who are temporarily rich after harvest and then temporarily poor after it's been six months after the harvest. The study claims 13 fewer IQ points when they are poor.

My friends, I include me in this, we need to stop basing anything serious off one study. I know I have made this mistake a thousand times. It's just one study. It's one conclusion. It could be wrong. It's certainly no basis to change all of society. People applying their own pet theories to all of society is how millions of people were killed in the 20th century.

I have not sought out the definitions of "rich" and "poor" in this case. But the study brings on a lot of questions. If this is true, what is it with these farmers -- are they are unable to comprehend the cyclical nature of their situation, even as it teaches them the same lesson every damn year? I realize they don't have Vanguard Funds or even secured savings accounts; but can they not buy durable goods when they're rich, that will still be around when they're poor? Hence making them middle class year-round?
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