Thread: Armed America
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Old 02-12-2007, 12:19 PM   #240
Makes some feel uncomfortable
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Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Bingo! you're catching on. If I am attacked or if I were to be robbed again, I would have the ability to defend myself. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not a raving bloodthirsty flesh eating gun rights fanatic, merely another human being looking out for myself and my property.
I wasn't arguing that. The point that you missed was that your needing a gun to defend yourself is as likely as the police being able to "round up every last one out of the hands of every citizen".

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
You say that the criminal would be easily identifiable. How?
They'll be the ones with the handguns.

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
How would the criminal be easily identifiable before he pulls his weapon? They don't all run about in black masks and waving Tommy guns in the air. You can't be sure that a person is a criminal and out to do you harm until they voice their threat.
How can you tell anyone is a criminal before he commits a crime? A rapist doesn't wear a mask, nor does an embezzler, yet those activities are illegal, aren't they. The handgun-using criminal will be easily identified as a criminal when they draw their handgun, and maybe can be dealt with before they use the handgun. Why will it be easier to identify a criminal? Because there'll be no question that the guy with the handgun in his hand might be a law abiding citizen just drawing his handgun for perfectly legal reasons - if he has a handgun, he's a criminal. No brainer.

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Seeing as how I've already been in a situation where a firearm came in handy against 3-1 odds, I'm already 100% ahead of your game on this topic.
How old are you? How many times? Do the math: once every "X" years you'll need some sort of protection, and it doesn't have to be a handgun. And remember, the next time you shoot into the ground, one of the generator-stealing-gun-in-the-truck guys might have his handgun with him, and turn and fire, killing you before you get anything but the warning shot off. And then there's your family and loved ones, without you, because you had to reserve the right to have a handgun, which makes it easier for the generator stealers to have a handgun. All this over a generator that you use once every 2-3 years. Hmmmmm. Is it worth it?

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Question: Because the majority of rapists are male, should all men have to give up their penises?
No. Penises have other uses, handguns don't. And even misused penises don't kill people. Have you ever heard of someone being "dicked to death"?

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Question: Because all D.U.I.s only when you mix alcohol and vehicles, should we ban cars or alcohol?
Just the combination of the two. They each have other uses, handguns don't.

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Responsibility lies with the owner and operator, not with an inanimate object.
And consider yourself partially responsible for allowing handguns to be owned and operated by irresponsible people.
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