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Old 09-22-2006, 07:34 PM   #11
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
We've been subsistence hunting for a pretty long time now. In Alaska, it's still the rule rather than the exception. I'm sure they would rather hunt than pay half their food budget for meat. They would rather eat game than hormone ridden, mad cows? Sounds good to me.

The Federal Government has grabbed 2/3 of Alaska for parks, Preserves, Wilderness Areas, National Forests, Scenic Areas and what not.
They're lucky they're not like Nevada at 91%.

Those guys know the rules and if they didn't know they were on park land, it's because they didn't bother to check their GPS and a map. It's not necessary to hunt the park because Alaska is knee deep in moose. That said, a lot of the native Alaskans have trouble understanding why they can shoot a moose here but not over there. It all looks the same for many, many miles.
They'll pay a heavy price for that moose and not get to eat it. Plus they, and their friends at the bar, will have a little bigger resentment for the Feds.

Marti sounds like she finds the natives very entertaining. Fine, as long as she keeps in mind, they are the natives. She is the tofu eating tourist in those parts.
.... driving safety class. Taught by a guy from England. A guy who drives on the left is teaching all Oregon state employees how to be safe drivers.
And the government bureaucrats don't understand why the people have no respect for them.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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