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Old 12-15-2004, 06:21 AM   #3
Cyber Wolf
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Originally Posted by russotto
Do not read if you've got the Christmas Spirit.

I present my top-N Reasons To Cancel Christmas Gift Exchanges in 2005

1) I don't know what some people want. I haven't seen them in months, I don't know what they have, I don't know what they like, how the f---- am I supposed to know what to get them?

2) My father's the man who has everything.

3) No, I don't know what I want from other people either. I don't want much, and what I do want is generally expensive, of the type I want to pick out myself, or both. Yes, I know I'm a pain in the ass; let's call the whole thing off.

4) Of course I'll say "Oh, thank you for the gift". I'll think "Dammit, I didn't get you anything. And now I'm obligated to get you something next year. And I sure as hell don't know what you want." How was I supposed to know my girlfriend's sister would buy me a gift?

5) The King of Prussia mall and mall parking lot. Enough said.

6) Internet shippers who lie about ship times.

7) Gift wrapping. Yes I'm bad at it. No, you don't have to point that out for the umpteenth time. And no, just because it was wrapped nicely doesn't mean I had it professionally done or that my girlfriend did it; sometimes I DO get it right.

8) My mom says "Christmas is for kids." Fine; I'll get stuff for my nephews, they don't have to reciprocate, and we'll call off the rest.

9) I'm Jewish. Technically. And no, that doesn't mean I'll do Haunnakah.

12 gifts to buy, down to 3 left -- at least until #4 came into play and I found out about it "in time".
Fairly easy answer for all of these:
1) Gift Card. The getter can spend the money on what they want instead of making do with what they're given.
2) Give a gift card and then Dad can still buy practical stuff when he needs it.
3) Hint that you want a gift card. You can sit on it until you DO know what you want.
4) Gift card, see #1.
5) Gift cards can get gotten for places that aren't in malls. Everyone can find something at Target or Circuit City or someplace like that and they're often stand-alone buildings.
6) Gift cards require no shipping.
7) Gift cards don't require much gift wrap. An envelope with a Xmas sticker to seal it will do.
8) Get Mom a Gift card. Suddenly she won't mind Xmas so much.
9) If you decide to do Haunnakah, Gift card.

As for the wrapping, counter that by putting the gift card in a tiny box, wrapping it, putting THAT box in a bigger box, wrapping THAT and, if you want, put all that inside one more large box and stuff that large box with lots of paper. By the time they get to the actual gift, they won't care how well it was wrapped.
"I don't see what's so triffic about creating people as people and then getting' upset 'cos they act like people." ~Adam Young, Good Omens

"I don't see why it matters what is written. Not when it's about people. It can always be crossed out." ~Adam Young, Good Omens
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