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Old 11-17-2009, 01:10 PM   #13
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Hear that, Bri? It's all in your head.

There was an article in the NYT recently about this. It said that the "risk" was in "overtreating" cancers that didn't need aggressive treatment. In other words (I hope I get this right) though most people are too stupid to know this, there are cancers that don't need to be treated because they grow slowly - and I guess by the time they kill you, you'll already probably be dead from something else.

So, if you get screened and they find cancer, even if it's one of those slow ones, chances are you'll flip out and bombard it with every option available, resulting in your feeling like shit, losing your hair, and probably performing badly on your job. ( my own editorializing -- 'cause you know that's what REALLY matters.) Which is way worse than missing a fast, killer cancer because you didn't get screened, because really, what are the odds?

That reminds me, I'm several months overdue for my mammogram. I better get in there while they'll still agree to do it.
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