Thread: Poindexter?
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Old 11-27-2002, 01:10 AM   #80
Coronation Incarnate
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: U.S.A.
Posts: 91
Hi there slang,
Thank you for keeping your mind open to knowledge in order to think for yourself, unlike some who think the way others tell them to think.

I will try my best to answer all of your questions,
but, man, you have a lot of questions! If I miss one, let me know, K?
The F.I.S.C. has been Judging for Foreign Intelligence since 1976, I believe, so it is
hardly a secret to anyone. The reason activists
call it "ultra-secret" is,
1. Saying that to the American people helps their
cause and support. Shock value of sorts.
2. Transcripts of these hearings are sealed not
public. CIA agents who are risking their lives
undercover to gather intel are revealed in these
hearings, if made public, all these operatives are
dead. Our public courts also protect police officers who are undercover in the same manner,
with the F.I.S.C. all the cases deal with Foreign
Intelligence gathered through infiltration.

You have to keep in mind that F.I.S.C. handles
Foreign Intelligence ONLY. The review court found
that the amended Patriot Act already imposes the
restrictions necessary to uphold the F.I.S.A. and
the Constitution, so no duplication needed.
A non-citizen(Foreigner) of the U.S. has no 4th
Amendment, a citizen of the U.S. does. A non-citizen terrorist can be tracked through F.I.S.C.
A citizen terrorist can be tracked through a Fed. court. The controversy comes into play when a non-
citizen terrorist is plotting with a citizen terrorist. Does the F.I.S.C. lose their ability
to grant tracking the non-citizen because a U.S.
person is involved? That's what the ACLU wants.
Is that in the best interest of America?
The DOJ has always had access over all the courts.
Just as the DOD has access over all the military,
and the SD has access over all States.
Nothing has changed, it's just becoming de-Socialized....and the Socialists will kick and
scream the entire way.

Let me know if I didn't answer them all.
Always a pleasure to talk with you,
I look forward to intelligent replies such as

The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World that he didn't exist.
Keyser Soze
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