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Old 09-11-2010, 02:13 PM   #22
Nearly done.
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The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed from one state to another.

Here we're having a go at converting the energy from the wind into electrical energy.

From a distance it's hard to understand the scale of these things and they look quite graceful as the arms turn in the breeze but up close they're quite different. They're huge, this one is 107 metres tall apparently, and the blades are 80 metres in diameter. Not so graceful either - you can sense real power and standing below them I could feel electrical charge in the air and actually felt nervy, maybe even a little scared (although that might have been partly because I had to climb a fence and go past a sign that said 'This area is protected by dogs' to take the photo).

Anyway, I didn't get the picture I wanted - I'd left my helicopter at home - so this is all I can do for 'Conversion'.


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