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Old 05-12-2009, 02:01 PM   #66
Big Red
Fresh Incumbent
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Iowa
Posts: 28
I would like to apologize that I had to bring the rest of the cellar into this mess I do not come here very often except when labrat was here. I had no right to be bashing your friends in front of everybody but it hurt bad and none of you would no how bad until it happens to you. I appreciate the two gentlemen coming forward and making a public and private apology even though I am still very angry I can respect you as men.

As for UT and Lumber Jim you guys were quick to hit the ban button so if want you can hit it again. Because I will be picking up what is left of my life and be moving on.

If there is one thing that I learned in this whole mess is. If I am going to perform an action I need to ask myself are my actions going to hurt some one else and if so should I continue those actions.
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