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Old 02-05-2019, 04:38 AM   #3
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Every disaster movie starts with a politician or government committee not listening to a scientist.

My concern is water and air. Of course those two affect everything. I don't want to go back to drinking beer because it's safer than water. I don't want people having to wear particle masks, it scrunches my beard.

We have the ability, the technology, to at least slow the warming of the Earth and the ocean. We don't even know what's living in 95% of the ocean. Like they just discovered the "White Shark Cafe" out in the Pacific. That's a big area where we didn't know anything was living, but at least when we found it we knew what they were. Other ocean expanses and everything deeper, they find new things constantly, which sounds productive but we don't go there very often. What they do know and can monitor is the oceans are absorbing more carbon dioxide and getting warmer.

This is the biggest nose cutting off to spite ours faces ever. In a couple years I'll be dead, but I feel bad for the puppies and kittens that will suffer... but I guess they'll get by eating dead children.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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