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Old 10-08-2011, 06:34 AM   #7521
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Got the boy a "food maze".
Couldn't have justified it at full price, but ZooPlus (website) had a sale and I also had a voucher. AND got free shipping.

I've been having a fight this year to reduce Diz's weight. I doubt many people would have classified him as obese, but I know how bony he used to be. The breed profile for a Singapura is stocky, so being skinny isn't something I wanted to go back to, but he did have a paunch.

I stopped his blood & bones diet after he tried to choke to death in May, but ever since then he has got more & more rotund.

So when I saw the Cat-It Food Maze at a price I could afford I was all for it.
I put a weighed portion of dried food into it every morning.
There is still some left when I go to bed.
He is no longer gorging then whining.

He gets a food pouch in the evening, but this is factored into the plan.
It does disappear in about two minutes!

Oh and yes. From the first time he saw it he got it.
Put paws in top to knock beebles down to next level.
Then fish about on second level.
Final level gets them into the dish at the base.
Three levels of difficulty (you can change the size of the holes) and on the easiest level some can be knocked from the top right into the dish. I'll change this once he's used to working for his food....

Happy, happy, happy.
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