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Old 07-20-2001, 08:06 PM   #4
Elite Elitist
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 322
My first experience with computers was about 1984 as well...somewhere between 3rd and 4th grade when my dad bought an Atari 800. I don't miss loading programs on casette tape!

That mostly started out as just playing around on the computer and playing games. Throughout elementary and jr. high school (which had mostly Apple II-e), I was pretty much the computer expert. In 7th grade I had found a book at school that had a snippit about BASIC program. I was fascinated by the FOR-NEXT loop. I started learning programming a bit more then by basically tweaking with BASIC programs and entering them in from a magazine.

I continued to learn programming in high school and took a couple of classes, starting at BASIC and eventually going into Pascal (both on an Apple...Pascal was on an Apple III) My dad eventually got an IBM clone while I was a Sophomore and I had already decided I would be going for a CS degree in college.

College pretty much made me change my mind about doing programming as a it is just a hobby I get into once in a I do system administration.

Does anyone remember the game Crush, Crumble, and Chomp! put out by Epyx? I had lots of fun with that game on the Atari 800, even though it was a pain trying to load from cassette (sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't!).
Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground. - Anonymous,
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