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Old 08-04-2016, 11:23 AM   #21
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
I hate answering the phone. I only do if it's someone I know. I HATE telephones. Hate them.

As to pre-asking references, yes, there are those who are very much sticklers for the formal ask. My ex-boss would not reply to an email reference request from the CAREER CENTER, down the road from the college where I used to work (SHE WORKS) because I didn't call her first and tell her it was real and true. Then she answered it. I felt like an ass.

As to them calling references, for the types of positions I apply they sure do call! I always thought references were kind of stupid: like I'm going to give you the guy from second grade whose puppy I accidentally killed when I ran over it with the car I'd hotwired, then mounted its head on a stick as if it hadn't been an accident, just to save face. That guy is not going on my list. But for county and higher ed jobs and the like the references are all part of the dance. Sooo stupid, but they think they can know about your very soul based on who you give as references and subtle comments a reference might say ("she said she was an 'exceptional worker' not that her work was 'exceptional' Hmmmmmm...") Dumb as hell but a big part of my anxiety when applying for jobs. And of course I exaggerate (except the puppy story really happened. No, it didn't) but it ain't no small thing.

It's against corporate law or something for anyone at my night job to do anything but give them a corporate number where they will say that I either work for them or I don't. I don't want to ask anyone here at the day job because I honestly think it would put me in a bad position like "what do you MEAN you're looking for another job how dare you" kind of thing. Not with everyone, but there isn't anyone I can trust or know enough to broach the subject. The job at the second college, well you know that was the nightmare of my working life...the one reference I feel bad about asking for a ref. yet again is my old colleague from there and the only one I have kept in any kind of touch with.

Oh, and forgot also to thank UT for the song lyrics/link. Very nice!
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