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Old 12-14-2017, 11:55 AM   #9
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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but I don't see why someone would push back against the idea of doing it in abstract
It's the part where he's telling others how to behave. And then getting the praise of your fellow apes for being so virtuous... for actually doing nothing at all

The phrase is "behave yourself" not "behave others". El Sic and, really, all of us, have plenty to address in ourselves. (Including me) And that is where we should focus our energies.

I'm too non-confrontational, or too shy, or whatever, to actually do it, but I congratulate those who do
Noting/rewarding the positive behavior? That's the correct way to operate, I believe, and is the only way to actually get the behavior we are looking for out of society.

Positive reinforcement: it's how we train our dogs. Let it be how we train our humans, too.

And now,

UnDeRsTaNd that if you had been in that thread, with those apes, and offered your position, they would have attacked you for it.

Too shy to actually say something? Wow, like being shy is your big excuse or something? Someone being nearly raped and you can't even say one word? Now we see where the problem lies. It's you, you've actually been the problem all along. The rapers, they run off instinct, but you are supposed to be better than that - and you know that it's wrong, you admit that, but you say nothing? And you want to congratulate the ones who do say something? WOW!! What do you say in your defense? And by the way, if you don't want to talk about it any more? It's even more clear and obvious proof you're one of the bad ones.
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