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Old 10-13-2009, 05:05 PM   #1161
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by Redux View Post
No problem....a misunderstanding all around.

Look at it this way, if you will.

IMO, Merc is like a harmless little puppy who thinks he is a tough pit bull....
So you would rather resort back to the name calling rather than answer the question I have repeatedly posted to you. Ok. Have at it. But you still can't address the hard questions I have asked as you have attempted to blow smoke up our asses and at the same time defend the current Demoncratic Bill.

so I really didnt mind his incessant nipping at my heels if it made him feel like a big dog wanting to play with the big boys, even though he had little or nothing of his own to contribute to the game (although he sure knows how to cut and post the opinions of others more than any big dog of any persuasion that I have ever encountered). But eventually, it just became too damn annoying and I had to flick him away with a shove of my foot...and you got hit in the crossfire (sorry about that).
Good God you sound like you have a narcissistic personality disorder. Does it prop up your ego to not have a straight discussion about one aspect of the bill being proposed so you resort to this kind of a response?

Yeah, the above description is my arrogance on display, although I like to think of it as self-confidence and standing behind what I believe...and I suspect Merc feels the same way about his beliefs (perhaps with a few more expletives directed at those who might challenge his "sources" and "analysis").
Damm! that is the most honest response I have heard from you in months. Good work. Sorry if you don't like my occassional choice of delivery.

Anyone following this discussion has probably had more than enough of Merc and me. In the grand scheme of things, neither of our opinions amount to a hill of beans and listen to more than one side of the issue and make your own decisions.
Wow, that is two times in two pages you almost sound normal.

But if I see more puppy poop from the lil critter, I'll point it out.
Ahhhhhh.......... back to the name calling.

Now that the Senate Finance Committee has voted 14-9 for the Baucus bill (the least appealing to me), the game really begins. Merging the two Senate bills comes next, then the even greater challenge of reconciling it with the House bill.
True dat.

But ask yourself this....why is the insurance industry reportedly preparing to spend $millions on ads (in addition to the face-to-face lobbying) opposing the bill over the next few weeks if it has so much to gain?
Because like big Pharm and some others they have much to lose as well. And if the Demoncrats had balls they would make sure that the stealth tax of passing on the costs to those who already have insurance would be prevented in any bill. That or they need to regulate the industry like any other public service. Don't get me wrong. I am against big business, but these half-way measures do not address the core issues.

Now you can continue with your name calling as you dodge my straight forward questions. Enjoy.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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