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Old 10-23-2008, 11:16 PM   #1
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
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What Did You Dream About?

What's the last dream you remember?

Do you dream in color? I never understood that question. I can't imagine not dreaming in color. Vivid, cinematic, complex technicolor. That's why I hate getting up in the morning. Well, that and my alcohol consumption the night before.

But then again (I digress) I once knew a guy, a computer programmer if it matters, who swore he could not visualize anything. I mean, if I told him to close his eyes and "see" something in his mind's eye, he could not do it. I have a hard time imagining that. I often feel like I have a separate "video" going on inside my head...whoa.

Anyhow. My dream last night: I was in my poetry class, woefully unprepared. For some reason I had decided to bring my MP3 player to school with me, which I never do, and I had been listening to it as I walked from my first class to the poetry one. When I got to poetry class I tried to put it away, but the earphone wire got all tangled up and I tried to untangle it, and it kept getting hung up and caught on stuff - my bag, the desk, etc. - so I was still working on it when class started. And the teacher, who is in reality a very nice lady, asked me a question. I was busy fighting with the earphones, so I, I mean.... The teacher said "What she MEANS is that she hasn't read the assignment and has no idea what is going on today." UGH.

Understand, for me, that is almost the equivalent of the "oops, I forgot to put my clothes on today" dream. I've had those too, but not for a while.

I have a thing about dreams - I love dream analysis. This one was really obvious, though. I have a presentation coming up in poetry class that involves a recorded sound file. :shrug: But I like the ones that really make you wonder.
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