Thread: How to be happy
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Old 08-08-2009, 10:52 AM   #80
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I'd also like to reiterate that my flippant attitude was not intended to be an "I'm the only one with problems" pissing contest. If women can even have pissing contests... rate of flow? wiping skills?

I walked out of what everyone who knew me thought was a perfect life. I had a house, two cats, a wonderful job (which had changed completely by the time I walked out, partly precipitating the crisis) and a husband who adored me. I had a circle of friends that I trusted, and who trusted me. Probably only one who would have buried a body for me, but intelligent, funny and decent people - I didn't find their like til I came here.

By the time I walked, I was desperately unhappy. In hindsight it was the seond evidence of my mental health problems. But at the time it seemed arbitrary and hateful to people who knew me. My choices at that time have repercussions today.

So I do understand about people looking in from the outside not knowing the full story. And I do appreciate that advice can seem facile to those it doesn't help (there's a wonderful poem by U A Fanthorpe about Patience Strong.)

I'm not saying much in conclusion. Just that I wouldn't have the same reaction to personal advice. Or if a friend (if I had one) told me they were unhappy in their life. Just that I suppose the mess I seem to have fallen into with no particular effort has probably forever coloured my views on this subject. So don't tase me, bro.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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