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Old 03-02-2012, 10:15 AM   #775
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Actually this amused me a LOT today.
And is still raising a chuckle as I rehash it.

After THRASS the children focus on a certain phoneme, and Mrs M writes words up on the board. When I took phonics in Reception I played "Trash or Treasure" and this is similar. Today the phoneme was qu. The sequence as I remember it was queen, quep, quiet... and then a nonsense word. But it wasn't actually a nonsense word. She wrote quim on the board.

I immediately looked over at Mrs J on the other side of the class with big alarmed eyes. She looked back with the same. We looked at Mrs M who was happily sounding out quim and obviously none the wiser. At that point we both got the snorts and had to look away from the board and eachother. By this point it was decided it was a nonsense word and it was all done. Oh, except Luke shot his hand up and said, "No it isn't, I know what it means!" At which point a coughing fit necessitated my exit to the staff room to get a glass of water.

Of course Luke didn't know what we knew at all, he had it mixed up with another word.

Oh my. That coughing fit brought tears to my eyes. Priceless.
I can't wait till we do words starting with cu.
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