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Old 01-11-2013, 03:38 PM   #5
Now living the life of a POW
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Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post

(However, it [the US] failed to commit suicide during the process.)

Nah, the US prefers to kill itself by inches through legislation like the Patriot Act and jumping off fiscal cliff's.

My thoughts fwiw:

Back in the day, the US wasn't all that excited about jumping into wars - especially ones in far off places. When WWII broke out, the American people had at least an idea of how awful Hitler was. We knew our British "cousins" were fighting single handed, but we still didn't join Churchill fighting on English beaches. It took the stunning surprise attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US off its butt.

Fast forward to modern times, and the US is now part of the war of the month club. We invade other countries on the smallest pretext, and we don't care that carpet bombing and drones, etc take out the innocent along with the guilty. Kill 'em all, and we'll sort it out afterwards. And we all get to watch on CNN every day.

How can we possibly think we're still the "good guys" when we employ torture and use drones that kill children? Our "culture of violence" starts at the top and far from trickling, it roars down from there.
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