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Old 03-13-2014, 10:35 PM   #169
The future is unwritten
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Reading about this guy, and all the shit he did, I think he got short changed, but didn't strike me as the type of guy that felt entitled to the CM or resented not getting it. Now he's dead so he doesn't care either way.

His wife has been working on this for 17 years.
Sure, a good ewe wife will do that you know.
17 years... wonder why? Did he ask her to? For him? For her? Doing it out of love? Perceived obligation?

Two military historians dug into it, talked to witnesses, are thoroughly convinced the man deserved it. But back in the day he pissed somebody off, or they decided he had enough medals, or they were busy trying to get home. Out of sight out of mind, war's over, let's get on with life.

You can, however, bet the farm, when this stuff makes the news the politicians will be front and center smiling for the camera and shaking his hand off. And Ramsey, how did he help besides dictating a glowing appraisal?

I've seen so many of these WW II vets struggle with health issues for their last few years. They get isolated for lack of mobility, friends are dropping like flies, and the TV becomes their companion. Then they die and people who hadn't given them a thought come out of the woodwork singing hosannas.

I certainly don't want you to think I have anything against Conner, far from it. He was a hero in the finest sense of the word, and got shortchanged. But the people rushing to "honor" him, make me wonder what their motive is? How will what they are doing to "honor" him, help them?
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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