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Old 04-15-2002, 07:44 PM   #59
still says videotape
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 26,813
The short wheelbase on those jeeps used to make them overly "responsive" on the highway, if you had to swerve or brake quickly you could flip it pretty easily. They were not geared that low (they have a low range for off road) so you could maintain highway speeds if you had a gentle touch. You could get the older smaller CJ-5s with an 8 cylinder engine, that must have been a scarey machine. I actually find the LRs to be pretty attractive machines but I had to flame something.

There once was a lurker named Parm
Who obviously went off his Pharm
He flamed Sycamore, and Hubris whats more
and done squandered all of his Kharm
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