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Old 11-18-2011, 08:56 AM   #113
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by Lamplighter View Post
You can see that Perry is very proud of himself in this ad... No Ooooops !

What easier way can someone make a crowd angry with their opponent
than by telling them the other guy said something nasty about them.

Even if the opponent didn't say it, it puts him/her on the defensive,
and heats up the scene.

Now, can we tell Mr Not-Mitt Perry that Romney said it first - last Tuesday ?

It's just a smear. Perry's is more offensive I believe because of two things. One, he's made a television commercial about it. The commercial is likely to have a far wider reach than a story like the one linked to. And television's very medium can deliver a short, emotional message with more impact than a paper news story. And then there's the content of each message. Perry included just the red meat "Americans are lazy" and none of the exculpatory content. Who needs content anyhow.

Both messages are misleading, however, they are likely to be believed by those who have already made up their mind about President Obama's character and intent on other similar ideas: he's a socialist, he wants to destroy the economy, he hates business, he hates America. It's all bullshit, and anyone who gives those ideas any credibility beyond a flat "No." is a fool.
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