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Old 11-12-2012, 11:12 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by richlevy View Post
Well, if they hadn't screwed up the primaries we'd have been enjoying some of Newt's $2.50/gal gas by now!
Or at the very least, I'd have one of Mitt's 12 million new jobs.

Over the weekend I heard House Speaker John Boehner mention in passing that the tax cuts for the wealthy were important to help create a smaller government. At last, a politician speaking the truth if only accidently in passing. Dry up the funding in order to starve the beast.

Republicans have always wanted "small government." That means not only fewer taxes, but among other things, less government oversight in the form of regulatory agencies. I'm no big fan of government snooping, but on the other hand, lack of any sort of real outside regulation helped allow the boys on Wall Street to play fast and lose with the mortgage lending industry and other financial instruments for their own gain and to the nation's continuing sorrow.

It's like a teenager wanting his parents to trust him to be home alone next weekend when the last time they left him in the house by himself for a few days, he threw the biggest party evah for him and his friends. Kids were passed out on the front lawn, the furniture was destroyed, the police were called, and a good time was had by all. Except Mom and Dad who had to clean up the mess and bail Junior out of jail. Like Junior's Mom and Dad, I view Republican demands for "less government" with a jaundiced eye.
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