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Old 09-05-2005, 08:09 PM   #145
Lead Subordinate
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: N.E. Ohio
Posts: 15
Ya know all this discussion of Hostess.. Dolly Madison and Tastycakes.. I am not sure of alot of you are aware that Hostess - Dolly Madison and Drakes Cakes are made from the same company ? Yes they are.. Interstate Bakeries Corp.. If you go to any of their web sites they actually link to one another..

And by the way the yellow Hostess cupcake is to have a orange flavoring and they have been around since I was a kid.. Definately no where near as good as a chocolate cupcake though!

Favorite (somewhat odd) eating habits of Hostess.. 1) when eating a cupcake you must remove the top icing and eat it last.. 2) when choosing a package of Ho-Ho's I always feel them.. I dont want the out layer of chocolate to be broken.. When you have a whole one you must first eat the entire outer covering first and then moving on to the cake.. BUT you must unroll it as you go.. licking off the creme filling as you go.. and 3) while eating a Susie Q you must carefully remove the tops of each cake.. careful not to remove too much of the creme filling.. once you have consumed both tops.. place both bottoms together and you have a Double-Stuff Susie Q!! (almost like a double stuff oreo but only better!!)
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