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Old 08-17-2012, 11:27 PM   #878
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
New newness on Minifobette's front... We've suspected since she was 18 months old that she has vision problems. I was in glasses by the age of three, so the genetics were ripe for it. They have neato machines now that can just scan the topography of your eye and tell you your prescription, not like in my day where you couldn't even test a kid until they reliably knew the alphabet. But she's always passed the basic vision tests just fine, and her scanned prescription was a little nearsighted, but not enough to justify glasses for a toddler. Still, she squints constantly. But they always told us to come back when she's older and more responsive to testing.

Well, she is now. And after a full barrage of tests by the developmental optometrist, the results are that her focus is still basically fine--but her eyes have a tendency to wander independently instead of working in tandem, and she is suffering from significant double vision at most distances. The doctor showed me how she could cover one eye, and after a moment pull it away, and her covered eye would have drifted off to the side and have to return back to the middle to see whatever the other eye was focused on.

At its root, this is a muscle tone problem, which is a universal thing with her. But I've been told by the optometrist as well as other parents that "vision therapy," which is to say exercises similar to what they do to correct lazy eye, will help dramatically, and will likely improve her eye contact and general demeanor as well, since constant double vision is assumed to be causing headaches and a certain amount of daily frustration.

So that's one more recurring doctor's appointment to add to the schedule for the foreseeable future, but at least we've found another problem that has a definitive solution...
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