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Old 06-12-2012, 08:18 PM   #62
Franklin Pierce
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Originally Posted by henry quirk View Post
I take it you mean: 'Do what you can to self-preserve, expect nothing from any one.'
Not at all.

That's exactly how it works...that so many are now blind to this is -- again -- an evidence of widespread domestication.
You believe that is how it works because that is how you want it to work.

The point is that no person in a society can live a completely independent life. How I live and act inevitably affects the people around me, even in extremely subtle ways. Therefore, I have a vested interest in the overall health of my surroundings. If my society is healthy, I have a better chance of living a healthy life (not just physical health). If my society goes to shit, there is a better chance of my life going to shit as well.

This "for each his own" bullshit doesn't hold up to reality. Unless you become a mountain man, our ability to become independent is directly linked to the strength of our surroundings. Right now, I can personally live an independent lifestyle where I can survive solely on my input to society (my job) and the surrounding society (where I buy my necessities). I do not directly take anything from the government or people around me. I also believe in that lifestyle and encourage others to do the same. Although, if the surrounding society goes to shit, it will require more personal effort to independently fulfill my own needs, taking time away from my job and personal life. To take it to an extreme, if our society completely collapses, I will then need to spend almost all my time competing for very limited resources. Even if I did follow your advice and was successful in doing so, that would be an EXTREMELY shitty way to live.

To get to the concise point: I would much rather invest in a healthy society than invest in being completely independent from society during a worse case scenario.

Bloomberg apparently believes himself wiser (or more likely, more compassionate) than other much so, he must 'save' them from themselves.

Arrogance (that he shares with any- and every-one who believes him- or her-self 'leader', elected, appointed, declared, or born into).
The irony...
I like my perspectives like I like my baseball caps: one size fits all.
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