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Old 11-01-2016, 10:42 AM   #1629
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Originally Posted by captainhook455 View Post
Obamacare is hitting people hard in the rural areas.
Never forget why all insurance (Obamacare and all other types) must increase massively. For exampole, wacko extremists encouraged drug companies to massively increase their prices. Exact same drugs, sold in Mexico and Canada, cannot be purchased by Americans. Wacko extremists called that health care reform. All drug prices are increasing massively to increase profit margins. Who pays? Insurance companies - and therefore consumers.

A 600% price increase for Epipens is a worse case and typical example of what has been encouraged by a greatest enemy - wacko extremists that dominated a George Jr administration.

In other and therefore productive industries, product costs decrease with time. That product is expensive early on to pay for R&D. In productive industries, costs go down as innovation makes a product less expensive. And since R&D has been paid for. When costs start to increase, then a product has been obsoleted by the next innovation.

But drug companies are encouraged by brainwashed consumers and laws in early 2000 to increase prices every year. After R&D is paid for, prices should drop. As manufacturing improves with innovation, prices should drop. But drug companies have been told by George Jr and current extremists in government to increase profit margins - and pay top executives exorbitantly.

Did you encourage this public rape by not addressing the problem? Did you encourage high medical costs by ignoring why medical costs increase massively? Innovation means costs decrease.

42 major drug companies existed. Each had about seven drugs in the innovation pipeline. Today, enemies of the American public have merged these into 13 companies. Each has only three drugs in development. That also means cost increases. Their management comes from business schools - not medicine. So your insurance costs must increase.

Taught in business schools: enrich the central committee of the Communist party - also called top management. It can only happen when consumers remain brainwashed by wacko extremist talk show hosts. Who do not bother to learn why insurance coverage must keep increasing. Who only blame what extremist talk show hosts tell them to blame.

If you buy drugs for 40% less in Mexico or Canada, extremist changed laws so that you are a criminal. If you do not know that, then you have not yet learned enough to have an opinion or cast blame.
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