Thread: Brexit
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Old 11-15-2018, 03:08 PM   #4
henry quirk
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"Europe is pretty small from our perspective, none of the countries has all the resources to maintain a successful microcosm at today's standard. That's why they have all interacted since forever to trade their strengths, so everyone gets their needs met. Joining together to make trade easier helped them all, although it has brought some onerous annoying regulations like lower beer standards to Germany."

Yeah, but there's a difference between 'alliance' (of sovereigns) and 'union' (which is the dissolution of sovereignty).

I've yet to see a convincing argument for the an encompassing European Union when most of the benefits of such a thing coulda been had through narrow economic alliances, alliances which coulda preserved natiional autonomies.


"The UK cutting off their nose to spite their face, makes no sense. One of the UK's big strengths was coal, but coal is fading fast. Another is banking but that will fade too, being an outsider looking in."

Mebbe so, but a significant number of Brits thought, mebbe still think, the benefits of blurring into 'union were/are outweighed by the cost to national autonomy.

Meh...I don't get a say, and neither do you...them folks are gonne do, or allow to be done to them, 'whatever'.
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