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Old 07-01-2017, 04:07 PM   #10
Recruit or Something
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 4
1) Are more of your accessories brown or black?
2) Do you stick your tongue out when you concentrate and/or open and close your mouth when using scissors?
Sometimes with the concentration, but not with the use of scissors.
3) How many times do you use a bath towel before you put it in the laundry?
3 or 4
4) Should burger buns have seeds on them?
Only if they are sesame
5) Finish this Haiku:
Typewriting Monkeys
Produceth not the Shakespeare
Remembered from school
6) What noise causes you to get goosebumps
The screech of utensils upon the plate
7) Are you the first or last to adapt new technology?
Close to the first, but I prefer someone else to do the beta testing and bug identification.
8) What would the number 6 smell like?
Depends on how long it has been sitting out on the counter
9) How do you like your fried eggs?
Uh... scrambled?
10) What's your favorite holiday? Public/religious/cultural/whatever)
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