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Old 09-13-2015, 02:26 AM   #38
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 772
Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
'It is what it is' is a phrase I use often. It's a bit like saying 'that's just the way it is', and it also means that you can only deal with what it is, not what you would like it to be. And sometimes it means, 'it's ok, no biggie'.
I used to use that one too... A lot. Though usually in the context of judgement.

When I used to analyze the dynamics or social systems and people would then go "that's saying it's corrupted" or "are you saying that isn't genuine"... Sure those statements might be true but they usually weren't what I meant, which focuses on answering "what is it?".

If anything, systems and social dynamics have much better measurements then those - how consistently applicable that dynamic is & under what circumstances, how beautiful it is in it's complexity, how many layers of humor are tucked inside.. The last of which can probably be rephrased for the purpose of this topic as "how good of a sense of humor does a person need to have in order to - despite understanding it - be able to accept that it is what it is".

Only in recent years I have become a hell of a lot more fighty and judgy about ethical things, which I suppose means if I ever time traveled I might need to bring weapons to kill my older self for giving me that "it is what it is" bullshit.

Sure he might be more fit, but I am from the future so obviously I have the advantage. I mean... We have smarter phones now. I bet he wouldn't even survive in flappy bird.
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