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Old 05-10-2004, 08:05 AM   #97
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,075
I hope, after all these replies, in detail, to your silly questions and sillier arguments you can see how arguing for creationism from a scientific basis is frankly, stupid. If you want to believe some wonderful deity made everything that's cute, but don't pretend there is any science whatsoever in any form backing you up. The fact that around half your 'unanswerable' questions can be answered says more than enough about the scientific ineptitude of the entire school of 'thought' you champion.

What shits me about creationists is that despite any supporting evidence whatsoever (the scant and weak evidence against evolution is exactly that and provides no support to creationism more than any other crackpot theory) they seem to feel that it should be taught alongside evolution in schools and is somehow equal in scientific stature. Each and every one of those people is personally contributing to the dumbing down of society and the education system and should hang their heads in shame. religion is not science, teaching it as such is lying to kids.

That's why I won't keep it friendly*. Because fuckwits who believe absolutely in a badly translated book want their ideas taught like legitimate science and that I find repugnant in the extreme.

* This applies to all groups that pursue agendas by attempting to hijack the school system, political (RIAA, anti-drug), religious or otherwise.
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- Twain

Last edited by jaguar; 05-10-2004 at 08:08 AM.
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