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Old 01-14-2012, 02:37 PM   #58
Franklin Pierce
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 3,695
The scrutiny and judging of others has a lot to do with how much men or women care about certain aspects of themselves. I have noticed that the women who are more likely to judge other women for their outfits and dress are the ones who spend more time ready to 'go out'. The men who are constantly sizing themselves versus other men are more likely to care about being muscular. Women just tend to care more about their body type and dress than men do.

Also, I believe there are two competing standards of beauty for women in the US. There is the stereotypical skinny standard that it prominent in many magazines and fashion and there is also a curvier standard of beauty, which is becoming more popular. I hear both standards are 'ideal' all the time.
I like my perspectives like I like my baseball caps: one size fits all.
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