Thread: Ceramics
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Old 08-06-2009, 04:54 PM   #58
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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Mine are nowhere near as good as Monster's.. Nothing like them in any way.

In my defence, it doesn't help that there is a 5-6 week delay between making something, glazing, then getting the finished article. You're starting two or three new items bfore seeing your original end results, therefore I have not been able to learn from anything I have made (until now)

What I have made is certainly rough & ready. But one of the items at least, I adore. The second I am pleased with and the third is pretty much okay-dokey. Sadly, these are in the order that I made them.

Never mind, I have one more session in August, then I have been promised five more when the class re-forms in September. Then, I intend to learn Being fair, this class is more about socialising than learning - it's Occupational Therapy, not Pottery 101. In fact it's nowhere near being called "ceramics" - this was just the nearest thread I could find.

So without further ado, I present to you...
Picture 1: My bowl. I love it. It's uneven and poorly glazed but it is the first thing I ever made and I am made up. I can't stop touching it. Primative as it is, it's all mine.

Picture 2: My cat-themed candle holder. Those are little cat-heads (like the Whiskas symbol) cut into it. Again, it's chunky and uneven. But I can see myself using it for years to come.
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