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Old 07-22-2010, 08:47 PM   #89
squirell nutkin
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LJ, The book Wolf mentioned, The Five Love Languages (or somethign like that) is another good book to add to your reading list, but the gist of it is:

Everyone expresses love and experiences feeling loved in different ways. He has a multiple choice quiz that asks Qs like: "Would you rather go on a long walk with your lover or have a long talk?" after answering the questions you determine if your "love language" is touch, communication, quality time, acts of service, and I forget the other.

For example, couples can have problems if one person's love language is "communication" and the other's is "acts of service."

Why does she feel I don't love her? I tell her so all the time. vs. He doesn't love me, he never fixes things or picks up things at the store when I ask him to. etc etc

It is a quick read and helps determine if you are speaking in a language the other person doesn't understand.
And now I'm finished posting.
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