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Old 07-15-2010, 01:56 PM   #5693
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Got a letter from the Benefits Office today.
I am no longer eligible for my benefit. This follows a medical review dated 25.05.10.
Which means I was not elegible from 26.05.10.

Not only does this mean the payment due this Monday (19.07.10) will not be paid into my bank account - which I was reasonably relying on to pay my commitments - but that I actually owe the Govt money. Talk about a shock. I cried for hours, called the office, asked about a "crisis loan", went to the Job Centre (still crying).

I have £49 instead of £180. Which is to be repaid.
My two debt payments due out on Monday are not taken into consideration - I do understand why, but if I don't pay I would be penalised for not meeting the agreed payment schedule. The money they have given me (for food and essential living costs) does cover that, but it means I have no money to buy things like cat litter, packed lunches for school, my share of household goods (I buy whatever is needed every fortnight) etc etc.

I know it's technically a handout.
But when you rely on it and plan for it, to have it suddenly not appear with less than a weeks notice is pretty bloody hard. Thank goodness I live with the 'rents - although I'm scared stiff about telling them.

So it looks like back to work if I can find it and no more volunteering for me. And less chance of my ideal job. I think perhaps my best hope is to try and find a part time job with children and fall back on my parents' mercy re not having any money for as long as they live here. Once they sell this house I'll be up shit creek, but no point borrowing trouble - especially in this market.
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