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Old 12-29-2019, 03:09 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Griff View Post
Everything points to Hunter's highly paid pretend job being given on the assumption that it would be protection against investigation not a more specific quid pro quo.
Or it is a standard BoD method of giving outsiders, who they want cooperation from, by putting one of their people on the board. At that time, new management was trying to eliminate major and well known corruption. It was threatened by the US with loss of business and support if they did not stop corruption.

What better than to put an American, with contacts inside America, on their board. Then someone on their board is reporting back on how the BoDs are trying to and are addressing corruption.

BoDs are routinely paid that kind of money. Many on a BoD because of who they know - contacts that a company needs. If that is corruption, then that defines most major companies in free market economies.

In one company that I am especially familiar with, a retired General was on its board because he was involved with Pentagon operations that were the source of their new contracts. Many Directors are chosen because of who they know and the resulting contacts they bring. In this case, Biden's son was brought in AFTER that Ukrainian energy company had new management that promised to eliminate major corruption.

They wanted Americans to know what they were doing. That they were trying to correct what Amercans had accused them of. Doing so would take many years. But with an American on its board, then Americans would understand they were trying. And contacts would exist to help address that problem.

But again, reality is far more complex then a soundbyte that so many are told to believe. Most believe the soundbyte because it is easier to grasp. Other classic examples include Saddam's WMDs and that Challenger was an accident. Or that Boeing management did not know the 737Max was fundamentally flawed.
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