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Old 06-08-2008, 03:23 PM   #1709
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I went dog shopping at the shelter today! Yea!! I think I want a herding dog. As it will be more likely to stay on the property because they feel responsible for it. It's really hard to not walk out with 4 dogs. But I was a good potential owner and know I am not ready as I don't even have dog food yet. I think I know which little critter is going to go with me! Hope it won't be too long!

Downside: My husband wanted me to ask the shelter if I could leave with a dog to see how it reacts to someone elses dog on the property, and an open door to take it back immediately. Immediate arguement right at the shelter. My husband seems to be railing against the idea of a dog, and it is manifesting in many ways. He doesn't like animals as much as I do. I think it isn't healthy for me to not have a pet (dog person). I guess this is the beginning of the dogfight. (darned humans)

If we get a dog we aren't taking it back for any reason. Which is the reason you would train it and choose wisely in the first place. I don't know how many ways to spell that out for him. It's just cruel to choose a dog and give it home, then decide it isn't the one for you. To me you should make a choice and stick with it. Be responsible. My door has never served as a rotating door for pets and never will. I don't just get rid of dogs. Hell I lived with a dog as a kid that was a bighter. We still loved the dog. It was just a crazy dalmatian and no one ever for an instant, thought of taking it to the pound. It was like the other members of the family.

As soon as you decide on the dog, it's family. That's how I see it. I guess I'm naive about how the rest of the world works and how disposable things can be if you let people get away with it.

I'm still happy! I think I found a good doggy! She's a sweet little thing! What a sweetheart!
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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