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Old 02-21-2012, 06:14 PM   #858
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Ibram
Is he old enough yet to "feel" the difference between when he's doing well, and when, say, you tried wean him off the steroids? That is to say, I would guess (correct me if I'm wrong of course) if an adult who was following the program they're on, and was seeing huge improvement, stopped the program, they would be able to tell the difference - be able to "feel" the improvement slipping away. But I would also hazard the guess that young-enough kids aren't "self-aware" (not the word I'm looking for, but I think you know what I mean) enough to "feel" it - but I don't think i know a single kid, to be honest, so I could be way off base.
Sort of. It's a catch-22 because when he's feeling good, he is definitely aware enough to know "I felt bad before, and now I feel better." But when he's not feeling good, the comprehension is lost to that critical degree where he can identify that now he is feeling bad again. We try really hard to promote that self-awareness when he's right on the cusp of getting better or getting worse, to ask him to stop, and think about how his tummy is feeling right now, and how his head is feeling, and how the other parts of his body are feeling, and he's making a little progress in that awareness, understanding when he's feeling a little bad, or that he just crossed that line into starting to feel relief. But when we're in the thick of a "rough" period, not a chance.
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