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Old 08-31-2011, 11:34 AM   #57
Goon Squad Leader
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God is Bachmann's political advisor

Originally Posted by Michele Bachmann
I don't know how much does God has to do to get the attention of the politicians? We've had and earthquake we've had a hurricane. He said "Are you going to start listening to Me here? Listen to the the American people."

Originally Posted by Michele Bachmann
My comments were not meant to be ones that were taken lightly. What I was saying in a humorous vein is that there are things that are happening that politicians need to pay attention to it. It isn't every day that we have an earthquake in the United States.
Statements like this make me worried and angry. Politicians who act this way are to be viewed skeptically. I try to make sense of this kind of behavior and every likely motive is bad or worse. Here's the range of motives as I see it:

They're clumsy. This is bad.

This happens, I know. It can range from funny to embarrassing to shameful. Bachmann's misstep about Elvis' birthday noted later in the clip is an example. Ha ha (note to self, get better researchers). Earlier in the year when she just made up some shit about American history regarding the American Revolution is closer to the shameful end of the scale.

They're pandering. This is worse.

This is very common, and it's understandable, do this for me, vote, and I'll do this for you, (insert promise here). When it's real, tangible, and good, it is legitimate. When it is fantasy, like this is, it's scary and wrong.

They're uninformed. This is worse still.

Bachmann's uninformed if she really thinks that there isn't an earthquake in the United States every day. News flash--earthquakes happen all the time. A discussion about the hand of God belongs elsewhere. Being well informed is a necessary but not sufficient condition to be a good leader. It is important for our leaders to have a good grasp of the facts. Being poorly informed is inexcusable and makes good leadership impossible.

They believe. This is the worst.

I don't know what's in Bachmann's heart. But this statement is consistent with other similar statements and consistent with some of her actions: belief that she knows what God wants. I have a BIG problem with this kind of conflation of personal belief and public responsibility. A cornerstone of our republic is the separation of church and state, and the prospect of our politicians, *especially* the leader of our country, doing God's work as revealed to them, revolts and terrifies me. Bachmann attempts to control the damage she wrought by dressing it up as merely "clumsy" "humor" (in fact she stumbles over her own explanation), but it's really this worst kind of behavior: belief, belief in the face of facts and logic. God save us.

I don't want my leaders to be clumsy, or pandering or uninformed or worst of all, true believers of false ideas. I deserve better and so do you. I demand better. And so should you.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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