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Old 02-19-2017, 08:48 AM   #8
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 660
Also, having worked with tallow (I still hate the smell of rendering suet) when my mom used to hand-make soap, I can't imagine what they had to treat it with to keep it from spoiling!

Back in the days when the British Empire included India, riots were rumored to have been sparked when troops were told that the waterproofing on the packaging of their rifle ammo was a combination of beef (offensive to Hindus) and pork (offensive to another group, maybe Muslims, that supplied MANY soldiers to the British) fat.

As for the defacement of currency with things like these micro-etchings, that doesn't perturb me all too much. I probably wouldn't deface anything bigger than $5, but that's because I'm broke all the time.

Read another interesting little money-related blip the other day. A school kid in Texas tried to buy lunch with an old (pre-reissue) $2 and it failed the counterfeit pen test. All pre-reissue $2 bills will fail, it turns out. They had to call the grandmother who gave her the money to verify its origin! The article's on Forbes, so probably not TOO fake...
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