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Old 06-25-2017, 01:07 AM   #23
Back and ready to tart up the place
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kansas
Posts: 850
1) Kanye West or Ivanka Trump? don't wuss out ....choose.....
I don't care for either, but I guess Ivanka Trump.
2) Was that too tough a question to open with?
3) Yellow or pink?
4) When you were really broke, what's the most notable/sad thing you did/do to save or scrape together a few pennies?
Checking under couch, in car, etc. for loose change,
selling stuff, and/or using credit cards I knew I couldn't pay off.

5) beer, wine or neither?
Neither, I like fruity drinks and energy drinks plus vodka.
6) what is your current favorite word?
7) Wonder Woman or Elastagirl?
Wonder Woman.
8) what grade school art project were you most proud of/do you remember most vividly (and why, if you care to share....)
I didn't do well in art... I think it was middle school that I last remember art class.
9) roses or orchids?
Roses I suppose.
10) Your pizza has only one topping. What is it?
Cheese. Gotta have cheese.
Chock-full of naughty goodness.
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