Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 05-15-2008, 08:26 PM   #68
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I dreamed about men last night.
No real surprise.

But the last dream before dawn was that I was in my old flat (now deserted and pretty much derelict). There were four of us playing a card game in which we'd all been given an initial stake, and one person in each ?round? won what was bet. So no-one really lost, but someone gained.

At the beginning of the dream I was being seduced (pawed at) by one of the guys I work with in the bar. It wasn't really him and later he changed to the friend of an ex boyfriend. Anyway, he was one of the four. I noticed Bruce was keeping an eye on him. Bruce? Yes, Bruce was overseeing the game. As the dream went on I realised Bruce was a marriage broker, who was setting me up with a dowry so I was able to choose my own husband. He was fixing the game so I won more often than anyone else, he had put up my initial stake and had persuaded an old friend of mine - years ago - to set up a trust fund in my name. At the time of the deam I had about £18k to my name although I didn't know about it until the statement was passed to me at the gaming table.

I cashed up immediately and went down to the kitchen to change into my new clothes, now that I knew I had a secure future. Bruce followed to make sure no-one disturbed me and I was trying to log into an ancient computer to get the words to God Is Love - which I was convinced Bruce wanted to hear. At that point the other man appeared again and tried to get back into my good books by stroking my hair. At that point I woke up to find Dylan lying along my side, playing with my hair with his paw.

Another early morning dream where it is pretty clear where all the elements came from!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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