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Old 04-30-2006, 01:24 PM   #13
to live and die in LA
Join Date: Feb 2003
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I think it speaks to how a person views their sexuality as part of their whole person.

Is it something that they can separate out and use for recreation with multiple partners, and little or no emotional entanglement? If so, then I would have little in common with that person, and it would raise red flags for me in the relationship.

Have they been in multiple relationships that that reached a stage of mutual commitment and trust where sexual intimacy was an integral and healthy part of the relationship? If so, what happened? do they habitiually choose bad partners and then break it off? Or is there something in them that becomes progressively revealed as they get deeper connected in a relationship that is a deal-breaker? I know these aren't the only options, but these are the questions that would come to mind if I found out that my relationship partner had been with dozens of sexual partners.

I honestly don't know that there's a healthy answer for why someone in their late 20s or so would have dozens of sexual partners. It would suggest to me that they either view sexual intimacy as a recreational activity, or that they make emotionally immature decisions about commitment to people.

flame on.
to live and die in LA
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