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Old 09-01-2005, 06:35 PM   #9
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
Look and learn, boys and girls. When the shit hits the fan, you have to be self sufficient for a month before you can get help from the ponderous agencies that the government commands.
Most people are not prepared for a 24 hour power outage, let alone a tragedy of this magnitude.

Right from the git-go, they were saying things like it would take several days or a week to get the city services (sewer, water, pumps) back to normal. What were these people thinking? Haven't any of them seen the aftermath of a flood?

After you get rid of the water you have to deal with the mud, trash, furniture, rugs, etc. That's assuming the building is structually sound.
Then about a million gallons of bleach because everything's been soaked with sewage and oil. You can't live there while you're doing this either.

Scale this up to an entire city....a week.....try months. But first you have to move the people somewhere else. People that have lost all there possessions and their jobs for the most part. They'll need a hell of a lot more than sandwiches and bottled water......and quickly.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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