Thread: Bikes!
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Old 07-14-2015, 07:37 PM   #628
The future is unwritten
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 71,105
How about a recumbent tricycle from Craig's list in Portland?

Presenting your chance to be the proud owner of the only dinosaur skeleton that has been reanimated through the mysteries of science and technology. She is a beautiful fosillized juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex who now consents for me to harness and ride her in parades and other special events. She’s a bit difficult to handle, but she’s never attacked anyone in the crowds that form whenever I take her out of the warehouse where she lives. (unlike her cousin from Jurassic Park) I labored for many months on this act of creation but now find that I’m not the right rider for this beautiful creature.

This wonderful rideable dinosaur, this fulfilment of my childhood dreams, needs to go to someone who likes being the center of attention, likes making the news whenever they’re out in public, and likes inspiring joy and wonder in the faces of children. I’m just a quiet engineer and bicycle fabricator and am not interested in celebrity.

-12ft long from head to tail, 5.5ft wide stance, 8.5ft tall (size of a 12 year old young-adult T-Rex)
-90lb recumbent tricycle made from chromoly steel, foam, and textured paint (200lb rider weight limit)
-9-speed wide-range drivetrain with a top speed of about 15mph (comfortable cruising speed of about 7mph)
-Seat is ~5ft off the ground so use a step ladder, or if you have good balance, use foot and hand holds hidden along the left side of her body.
-Head is a marionette that turns side to side and opens her jaw; controlled by wire from handlebars
-Arms are attached to pedals and can be controlled in combination with head to create believable performances (Sue can answer questions, wave at audience, snap her jaws in excitement, disgust, hunger, etc.)
-Disassembles using basic tools into multiple pieces to fit within a pick-up truck bed for easy(er) transport to events

-Sue requires frequent touch-ups to her paint and foam. There are always bits of the sculpture rubbing against one another because she is a moving, kinetic, scultpure. I will include a bucket of textured paint with her.

-Sue has handling quirks because of the geometry tricks and illusions I had to pull to make a vehicle that seemed to have the proportions of a real dinosaur. She is not a daily-driver dinosaur but is perfect for parades or the playa. She has good brakes and is stable enough if you know her limits. I’d be happy to offer dino riding lessons to prospective buyers.

Please don’t call just for joy-rides…
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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